Archives mensuelles : novembre 2015

18 décembre: examen oral et début du projet de recherche

La date de mon examen oral fut fixée au 18 décembre cette semaine. Les derniers membres de mon comité de lecture vont prendre connaissance de mon projet de recherche sur les game center japonais sous peu, et je vais pouvoir commencer le processus de recherche pour ma thèse lorsque le tout sera terminé. Ce n’est que le début….

Arcade and Game Center Chirashi Database Update

I recently updated the Arcade and Game Center Chirashi Database to remove direct access to the scanned version of the documents. The information itself is still there.

I decided to remove the document simply because I want to avoid any copyright infringement problems that could come up as a result of having them being available for virtually anybody on the internet to download. I discussed with the staff from the University of Alberta Copyright and Licensing Office and they advised to implement a way to limit the distribution of the material to academics and colleagues, which was not possible with the previous structure of the website. Until I have time to work on a better solution, access to the scanned version of the printed documents will now be limited to scholars interested in working on arcades and game centers. I would be happy to share the files with any other colleague in the field.